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About Cheryl


>> Epiphanies
>> Preparing for Disaster
>> Chance Encounters


Writing a Biography for FUN and PROFIT!
Using her own book, Epiphanies, and other's books as examples, Cheryl demonstrates unique approaches to writing a biography. Throw out the old I was born... methods. Boring! You'll leave Cheryl's seminar with new ideas on how to chronicle your life....and make it interesting! And, for those with publishing notions, Cheryl also provides information on the latest technology available to self-publish your finished work. This is a great seminar for adult education courses, clubs and organizations, church groups, and writing associations and conferences.

Contact Cheryl for available dates and seminar costs.
Preparing for Disaster: A 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Workshop
Using her book as the manual for the workshop, Cheryl walks students through the steps of assembling their own 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit. The 72 Hour Kit is designed to provide a family with the basic necessities to sustain life during the first 72 hours after an emergency. Why assemble such a kit? During any number of disasters, the first 72 hours are the most crucial because a family's need is highest. Yet emergency services are still getting organized during that same period of time. Therefore, their effectiveness during the first 72 hours is at their lowest. We hope you never need it. But having a 72 Hour Kit will give your family the peace of mind that you are prepared and will be as comfortable as possible should disaster strike. Each participant will receive Cheryl's manual.

Contact Cheryl for available dates and seminar costs.
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