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A 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit Guide Disasters are becoming an unfortunate reality in our emerging world. Any disaster could force us from our homes at a moment's notice. All emergencies usually entail a break in utility service, loss of transportation and a dependency on community emergency services for food, shelter and medical care. The 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit is designed to provide a family with the basic necessities to sustain life during the first 72 hours after an emergency. Why assemble such a kit? During any number of emergencies, the first 72 hours are the most crucial because a family's need is highest. On the other hand, emergency services are still getting organized. Therefore, their effectiveness during the first 72 hours is at their lowest. In this manual, Cheryl provides basic information on the essentials for a 72 Hour Kit. Most items are already found in your household. The trick is getting everything in one place so it can be used at a moment's notice or easily transported with you during an evacuation. 24 pages.

$9.99 each plus shipping
Preparing for Disaster
© Copyright Desert Bear Publishing 2001. All rights reserved.